Liberty Quotes: Larken Rose, Robert Higgs, Teddy Roosevelt, & Mark Skousen (24m) – Episode 420

Episode 420 has Skyler giving his commentary on a quote by Larken Rose on there being no country on earth for freedom lovers; by Robert Higgs on the fundamental difference between markets and governments; by Teddy Roosevelt on the soulless twins that are the two major political parties; and by Mark Skousen on what constitutes a civilized society.

Misallocate Resources

One of the most important differences between people operating as government functionaries and people operating in free markets is that the former are free to, and do, make the same mistakes again and again. People who make mistakes in markets have to reallocate resources to more promising ventures; they cut back production of goods and services that consumers are not buying; and they close firms that cannot cover their costs in the long run.

Mish O. Returns, Infinite Banking, Need for Speed, & Damned Lies (1h17m) – Episode 387

Episode 387 welcomes back Mish Ochu to chat with Skyler on the following topics: Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking concept; Lara/Murphy Report; Biden’s body language; police interrogation; Mish’s need for speed during his more reckless years; why kids need to take risks; the causes of political extremism; when individualism goes to far; Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead; lies in modern life about people; the left verse the right on how they protest; distributed gun manufacturing and Cody Wilson; Ross Ulbritch and online drug markets; political blunders and adverse incentives; and more.

ARK3 Returns, Income Tax Fraud, Libertarians, & Intellectual Property (1h4m) – Episode 384

Episode 384 welcomes back Alex R. Knight III to chat with Skyler on the following topics: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and nominating new Supreme Court justices in an election year; Biden and presidential debates; origins of political party colors red and blue; meeting Harry Browne; The Law That Never Was by Bill Benson and the 16th Amendment (income taxation); Cracking the Code by Peter Hendrickson; Irwin Schiff and income taxation fraudulence by the US Federal Government; the difference between libertarians and modern conservatives / modern liberals; government interference in market relationships; nonvoting and culpability for bad politicians; private censorship and when it becomes aggressive; historical capitalism verse free markets; intellectual property disagreements; and more.