Do You Even Logic?

The concept of figuring something out seems to be genuinely foreign to a lot of people. You can call it a failure of education, failure of parents, failure of society, whatever. But it’s really damn creepy how many people don’t grasp the concept of deductive reasoning. It’s not just that they’re bad at logic; it’s that they don’t even know what it is.

Band-Aid Solutions Are Lame and Nature is the Answer

The violations that plague us don’t come out of thin air one day. It is the result of the culmination of traumas inflicted onto us from day one (and actually before, while we are still in the womb) of entering into a world that profits and runs off of others people’s trauma. We literally live and operate in a place that is rooted in trauma and carries out traumatizing rituals on its most vulnerable people. So long as we passively accept these cultural narratives and practices, we cannot and should not expect better from our society.

Three Obstacles

We will always have much the same emotions that Adam and Eve had.  Institutions will always militate against change, and even when they do change they will only update to new institutions.  Institutions are static steps in the dynamic process of change.  And technological matters will always seem god-like because they change while the former two don’t — technological change is outside the box.