Eric’s Journey, #1 Insider, & Libertarian Politics (1h2m) – Episode 097

Episode 097 welcomes Eric Martin to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: winning the Insider contest and his stock options reward, what’s sale to Walmart for $3.3B meant for Eric, running for US Congress in 2012, Ron Paul’s influence on his journey to libertarianism, types of libertarians, cryptocurrencies, future education plans for his children, and much more.

Riley’s Journey, Anarcho Agenda Podcast (1h26m) – Episode 096

Episode 096 welcomes Riley Blake of Anarcho Agenda to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: Riley’s podcast, getting into audio processing, the challenges of being blind, origins of our libertarian journeys, podcasting challenges, free market of ideas and never censoring people, self-directed education (unschooling), the cycle of abuse in parenting, school, and the state, power vs. freedom, negotiating with children, becoming better people through libertarianism, and more.

Voluntary Aggression

Back around the Turn of the Millennium (Y2K), when I became aware in a formal sense of my voluntaryism, my libertarianism, my adherence to the NAP/ZAP (Non-Aggression Principle/Zero Aggression Principle), my recognition that 99.99999% of the Universe functions under anarchy, I also became aware that I needed to reconcile some of my cherished childhood beliefs.

Rodger’s Journey, the Free State Project, & Radical Unschooling (47m) – Episode 095

Episode 095 welcomes Rodger Paxton of The LAVA Flow to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: Rodger’s podcast production company Pax Libertas Productions, mid-90s awareness of Ron Paul, Ayn Rand, the New Hampshire Free State Project, the importance of homeschooling to advancing liberty, Rodger’s experience with radical unschooling, the heavy costs of authoritarian parenting, drunk driving as a victimless crime, and more.