Problems Define You

Anytime something is not as though you would prefer it, you are dealing with a problem. Problems, though subjectively defined and internally maintained, are fundamental to how thinking, judging brains interpret reality. Your reason and your judgment are tools for solving the problems that are an unavoidable part of living. You can languish in the process of discomfort, or entertain yourself with creating a solution.

Peaceful Anarchism 006 – Danilo Interviews Shane Buell of Pull Out Method (52m)

Peaceful Anarchism 006 is an interview of Shane Buell by Danilo Cuellar. The conversation covers all bases, from Shane’s journey to voluntaryism to agorism to psychology and spirituality. About the Pull Out Method: “Instead of smashing the state or changing it from the inside, we can just ‘pull out’ by removing our support for government and using the free market to go around it instead of through it.”

Grow Beyond the Space You Occupy

The great trap you must avoid is allowing the world to direct your curiosity onto things you have no care for. It is the default state of ordinary people to push their interests and concerns onto whoever will listen. Nature abhors a vacuum, and those with authority will rush to fill the vacuum they perceive in your head. If you can sidestep these social pressures, you can direct your own learning onto the exceptional path you have chosen.

The Journey of Survival and The Risk of Failure

Many, probably most, people believe animals are probably better off in the wild rather than the zoo. This is true despite the fact that zoos offer the resources that animals spend most of their existence trying to acquire in abundance and at no risk. We reasonably understand that their evolutionary drive provides them with purpose and that merely giving them the ends of so many of their goals make them weak and depressed.