Libertarians Shouldn’t Be Accomplices of Aggression

Immigrants don’t arrive in a place uninvited. They have friends, family members, and/or business relationships who have invited them and provided for them means of doing so successfully. It is short order before they are back on their feet and producing value for others. These people are not criminals. They are our fellow human beings doing exactly what we’d all be doing if we were in their place. It’s the height of hubris and arrogance to believe it’s okay to direct violence at them simply because you are annoyed.

Stop Locking People in Cages!

So, the good news from this week is that immigrant families are not being kidnapped, separated, and thrown in cages anymore. They’re just being kidnapped and thrown in cages. But together, so that’s an improvement, I guess. The ludicrous nature of what passes for progress in a fascistic society is on display once again as we’re supposed to consider it a victory that peaceful people now get to go to the gulag as a family unit. Color me unimpressed.

Caught in the Doldrums

Government, which if it is allowed to exist at all, should never tell any individual what to do, has been allowed to morph into a nasty master rather than a timid servant. Insanity! It’s totally stupid to allow government of any kind to ever set itself above any person or individual rights, for any reason. Government, specifically the State, needs to die.