The Creepy Obsession

I’ve come to believe that most people who claim to be hunting or fighting pedophiles are simply hungry for someone it’s socially OK to obsessively hate; someone they can safely post revenge porn about. It’s their version of Nazi hunting. Most even misdefine “pedophile” and “child” so they’ll have more targets available.

On Coming to Grips with the Nature of the State

That so many intellectuals talk about the state as if it were a sort of garden-party amusement, rather than the cold, merciless killing and plundering machine that it really is, now puzzles me. I don’t think the disconnect between the ivory-tower conceptions and the reality of the state springs so much from the philosophers and political scientists having prostituted themselves to the state as it springs from these thinkers’ not getting out more—or, barring actual first-hand involvement in the relevant realms, from their failure to learn more realistic history.

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics

My latest Words Poorly Used blog made reference to a WAG (wild ass guess) number that attempted to purport that a large percentage of undocumented immigrants did not cross a border on the ground, but rather flew into the US, and then stayed after the visa expired.  This has several takeaways, but the one that sticks with me is the problem with statistics.

On Fire for Liberty

There are those who are able to use liberty when it is available. They don’t put any thought into it; it is just there, or it’s not. They are like the people who can use fire as a simple tool, as long as someone else provides it. There are then those who can see how liberty could be increased, and hunger for it when it is violated.