Chase S. Returns, Earthships, Hong Kong, & Project Veritas (1h6m) – Episode 391

Episode 391 welcomes back Chase Steffensen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their food delivery experience; earthships (YouTube), created by Michael Reynolds; the agricultural revolution and what it did to humanity; Hong Kong protests and the China situation; COVID-19 casedemic; Project Veritas and Ilhan Omar voter fraud; Boyce of Reason podcast and listening to other perspectives to learn not to get triggered; the value of debates versus long form discussions found in the podcasting world; and more.

Food Delivery Rape, Protectionism, Government Murder, & Monopoly (28m) – Episode 379

Episode 379 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: his superhuman ability to not savagely rape the attractive women he encounters while delivering food; how every businesses and economic regulation by government is just a form of protectionism on behalf of some special interest; why democide and genocide doesn’t justify the few and far between government innovations that have benefited humanity; the missing incentives and market pressures of lowering prices and increasing quality from industries that are more or less monopolized by a single provider, including government; and more.

Continuity Is Power

We’ve only been a few generations without continuity. It’s still possible to imagine going back, and it’s still possible to return and cling to the communities and institutions and places that make us different, singular, and free. But we have to do it while the memory of a different way of living is still with us.

Information as Artillery

You can’t read, or write, or talk calmly, or think deeply, or experience silence. Even in gaps between the salvos, you’re too shell-shocked to be of much use. Every sensation sets you off. That is the environment in which we live. The trenches are anything connected to the internet or television or news of any kind. Information is the artillery. The good news is, you can leave.