A One-Page Hop from Bleeding Heart to Mailed Fist

“Drastic measures are needed to fight delinquency.  First, I’d give a juvenile delinquent good advice.  Second, if that didn’t help, I’d suggest going to the work farms, along with study.  That way I’d gradually try to perfect the individual’s feelings and conscience.  And finally, if the first two measures brought no improvement, I’d send him before the firing squad.”

Nationalism, the Ideological Delusion at the Heart of Protectionism

To ask the question is almost to answer it. People who would balk at city, state, or regional protectionism will not only tolerate national protectionism, but actually hail it as a godsend for overall national prosperity. The doctrine of nationalism, a dangerous brew in which Americans have long indulged to great excess is the cause of this bizarre public sentiment.