Band-Aid Solutions Are Lame and Nature is the Answer

The violations that plague us don’t come out of thin air one day. It is the result of the culmination of traumas inflicted onto us from day one (and actually before, while we are still in the womb) of entering into a world that profits and runs off of others people’s trauma. We literally live and operate in a place that is rooted in trauma and carries out traumatizing rituals on its most vulnerable people. So long as we passively accept these cultural narratives and practices, we cannot and should not expect better from our society.

The Deviousness of “Have To”

“Have to” is one of those phrases that I only began thinking critically about when we travelled further along our unschooling journey. A major theme in radical unschooling is the removal of rules and obligations, and replaced with principles and choices. “Have to” often implies unchosen obligations, and can be, but is not always, incompatible with respecting your children’s autonomy and preferences.

Love and Assertiveness

Love and Assertiveness are two sides of the same coin; one necessitates and depends on the other. Loving yourself requires asserting your rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Loving a partner requires assertiveness in creating and protecting an environment of honesty and communication. Loving a child requires asserting certain boundaries or limits around their behavior.

The Right to be Left Alone

You don’t have a right to be supplied goods and services. You do have a right to engage in voluntary commerce. I have a right to be left alone. When you attempt to force me to fund your consumption, you are violating my rights. When I refuse to go along with your scheme, I’m defending my rights, not violating yours.

Jobs and AI

I am a survivor of the Expert Systems rage of the mid-80s.  Every trade journal of every industry that even had a trickle of data processing was touting the next coming of Expert Systems.  ES were premised on taking the most experienced, most expert of your business’s humans, then making a killer app with your tiny desktop computers that would cross-examine your clerks to make sure they answered all of the questions that your top guru would ask. 

How I’m Fighting Hurry

In the last four years, I have spent a lot of time rushing from one thing to another. By choice, I have brought in a lot of challenges and opportunities into my life. Ever-changing conditions, urgency, and “hurry” come with the territory. I’m alright with being hasty when I need it, but I don’t want my attention and time filled with rush. Here are some ways I’m keeping hurry from dominating my attention and time

America Needs More Robin Hoods

Robin Hood is a model of an ethical outlaw. He broke bad laws by doing what was right for the right reasons. His story has been misrepresented. In the original tellings he didn’t “rob from the rich and give to the poor,” but took back property that had been stolen through taxation and returned it to its rightful owners.