You Are Being Watched

About 19 years ago, around half-past dusk, in an average town in a nearby state, I was riding in the passenger seat while my wife-at-the-time drove. Pulling a particularly blatant act of poor driving in the middle of town, she made a left turn and cut off an approaching coproach. She seemed completely oblivious when I mentioned this error. Unsurprisingly, the gangster in question made a turn, followed, and stopped her.

Global Gun Deaths

Recently the Appeal to Authority Logic Fallacy has been foisted off on readers of publications, on the Web and off.  Google “global gun deaths.”  This looks like an annual proclamation — global gun deaths at 250,000.  The latest flurry of stories stem from a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).  Through some sleight of mind, the compilers leave out direct explication of war-related deaths.

3D-Printed Guns Might Actually Help

As long as government employees are armed, guns will be in the wrong hands; an angle that isn’t even seen as an issue by those most adamant about disarming the rest of us. Tell that to the homeowner killed by the responding police officer in Aurora, Colorado last week. If he had survived the encounter he might disagree.

Nine Attorneys General, and Alyssa Milano, versus the First Amendment

On July 30, National Public Radio reports, “[a] coalition of attorneys general from eight states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration  … to stop a Texas-based company from publishing instructions for 3D-printed guns on its website.” In English: Nine state attorneys general want the federal government to censor the Internet, in violation of the First Amendment, for the purpose of making the Second Amendment less effectual.

The First Amendment Saved the Second Amendment. What’s Next?

A free press plus rapidly proliferating DIY production technology equals the final nail in the coffin of “gun control” as a practical notion. Not that it ever really was one, what with more than 250 million guns already in the hands of more than 100 million Americans. But now it’s no longer just a lop-sided contest, it’s a done deal. “Gun control” is over.