YouTube, Taxation, Voluntaryists, Conquest, & Economics (25m) – Episode 268

Episode 268 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: YouTube’s copyright claim system and the trouble that its causing; why libertarian types complain about what government spends its ill-gotten gains on; voluntaryist time-traveler solutions to the problem of Hitler; the peculiarity in descendants of conquered people sharing in the religious/political sensibilities of their ancestor’s conquerors; the value of economics in shifting moral outrage from market actors to government actors; and more.

Why Steve Jobs, not Bill Gates, Was the True Education Visionary

When it comes to education reform, there are generally two camps: those who want to improve the existing mass compulsory schooling system through tweaking and tuning and those who want to build something entirely new and different. Not surprisingly, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was in the “think different” camp, advocating for school choice and vouchers, while Microsoft’s Bill Gates backed the Common Core State Standards and other incremental reforms within the conventional mass schooling model.

With Wilson in the Wilderness

I’ve mentioned the business “Wilson” had which was shut down by government meddling. Well, due to our similar interests in that area he and I used to hike in the wilderness area outside of town. He wore a camo army jacket with cargo pants and army boots and I wore my buckskin clothes and mocassins– in other words, I didn’t dress any differently than normal for the hike, although I did carry extra gear.