Reflections on the Krikorian-Caplan Soho Forum Debate

Thanks again to Gene Epstein and Reason for sponsoring last week’s immigration debate between myself and Mark Krikorian.  Thanks to Mark, too, for debating before an unsympathetic audience.  The resolution, you may recall, was: The current pandemic makes it all the more necessary for the federal government to tighten restrictions on immigration. Here are my extra thoughts on the exchange.

Even Anarchists Need Mayors

Now as an anarchist, I don’t want any city governments, and I don’t give a damn about Mayor What’s-Their-Name, but I do give a damn about Atlanta. And like all cities I love, Atlanta has its own unique culture with unique values and customs. Even if, God-willing, we managed to make Atlanta a city free from bureaucracies and governments, it would still help to have a figurehead for those values and customs.

Mary Ruwart: How Government Keeps Us Sick (40m)

This episode features an interview of chemist Mary Ruwart from 2018 by Jeff Diest, host of the Human Action podcast (formerly Mises Weekends). They discuss the sobering reality of our medical cartel, and what all of us must do in the fight for health freedom in the US. How does government thwart radical research that might eliminate cancer, HIV, and chronic diseases like diabetes? Who really funds the FDA? Why do doctors go along with it? Can we measure how many deaths the FDA causes each year, rather than prevents? And will health supplements or alternative health modalities remain legal and widely available in the US?