Shepard Returns, Consequences, Positive and Negative (56m) – Episode 436

Episode 436 welcomes back Shepard the Voluntaryist to chat with Skyler on the following topics: his ongoing radio show and podcast; an exploration of positive and negative consequences; human interference in natural consequences; intended and unintended consequences in politics and economics; what people going along with monopolistic government means for the idea of people going along with competitive government (free society); never letting a crisis go to waste as a voluntaryism popularizer; the consequences of immortality and “The Good Place” television show; the negative consequences of world peace and the positive consequences of world conflict; and more.

Walter Williams: American Contempt for Liberty (56m)

This episode features a discussion with economics professor Walter Williams from 2015. Throughout history, personal liberty, free markets, and peaceable, voluntary exchanges have been roundly denounced by tyrants and often greeted with suspicion by the general public. Unfortunately, argues Dr. Williams, Americans have increasingly accepted the tyrannical ideas of reduced private property rights and reduced rights to profits, and have become enamored with restrictions on personal liberty and control by government.

Experts, Marijuana, Jesus Christ, Factory Farming, & Reconsidering Our System (29m) – Episode 434

Episode 434 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: the dangerous stupidity of using experts (who always disagree) to make public policy; agreeing with Rep. Ilhan Omar that it’s time for the Feds to decriminalize marijuana; whether Jesus counseled people to take care of the poor or needy, or to outsource that to government; agreeing with Senator Cory Booker’s call to phase out factory farming; and the need to reconsider our entire economic system.

COVID-19 Lockdowns: Liberty and Science

The Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit American shores — officially, anyway, there is significant evidence that it arrived earlier — in late January 2020. The American public was then told that a two-week shutdown of the economy would “flatten the curve,” relieving the pressure on hospital intensive care units and saving lives in the long run. The average American, including conservatives,…