Why We Must “Politicize” Guns

Every time there’s a mass shooting, or even a particularly well-publicized single homicide, all of America’s political factions go directly to battle stations on the question of whether or not the violence can be reduced or eliminated with “gun control” legislation. As the debate rages on, the calls begin to ring out from different corners that whatever else we do, we must avoid “politicizing” the issue. Have you ever noticed that the “let’s not get political” talk always seems to emanate from the side that perceives itself as on the losing end of the argument at the moment?

Inconsistent Conservative Interventionists

With the recent news about North Korea and South Korea uniting for the Olympics and perhaps further diplomatic discussions, I am reminded of the (numerous) inconsistencies of the supposedly conservative, free-market neocons. Here is one in particular: These folks often believe in the market rather than a central planner and at the same time believe the communist government of North Korea is an existential threat to the US. 

Foolish Statists

Why would anyone be surprised that when the government investigates itself we the people do not hear the truth, insiders are rigging the investigation, and the deep state is never held accountable?  This is not a flaw of the people (though they are all evil people), this is a flaw of the system.

“Peace Through Strength” Is a Racket

“I’m going to make our military so big, so powerful, so strong, that nobody — absolutely nobody — is gonna to mess with us,” Trump says. On other occasions he’s said similar things: “We want to defer, avoid and prevent conflict through our unquestioned military strength” (same link) and, a year ago, “Nobody is going to mess with us. Nobody. It will be one of the greatest military build-ups in American history.”