Having a Certain Type of Indifference Toward People

One thing I dislike about identity is that everyone wants to take up the reigns of identifying it. Being raised by me, my son would feel no hesitation or shame in being gay or liking traditional feminine things … however, one of the issues I am incredibly irritated by in our society is the increasing trend to shit on preferences that do fit within traditionally considered gender roles.

5 Ways Travel Can Change Your Education

You may get several higher educations, read thousands of books and attend hundreds of workshops, but if you never leave your city or country, you will never understand the real world. There are too many things that are not described in the books, and there are even more things that are described from the author’s point of you.

Stigmatizing Suicide Has Been a Disaster

I believe that part of the reason why suicide rates are increasing is because the subject of wanting to commit suicide has become so stigmatized. Individuals who experience such an impulse or desire aren’t able to discuss it without risking condemnation, involuntary commitment, the loss of their guns and children, and all manner of intrusion into their lives.

The Boys are Back in Town! (1h29m) – Episode 092

Episode 092 welcomes Skyler’s oldest friends Chase Steffensen and Rob Alvord for a reunion chat. Topics include: free market libraries, favorite podcasts, growing up together, Rob’s band Fat Candice, the history of voluntaryism, cryptocurrency and Heleum, unschooling, Harry Potter, adolescents, Ron Paul, objectivism, buddhist meditation, atheism, the psychology of cults, trespassing as a hobby, Free to Choose, and much more!

Blaming the Victim, or Digging for Wisdom?

As a man dedicated to stopping the widespread abuse of children, I am very much an ally in this particular fight (“Me too.”). I don’t deserve to be attacked like this. These people don’t know me and the work that I do. They don’t know the trauma I’ve suffered and its long-term effects, effects that I deal with every day of my life. They were wrong to do what they did, but they are not alone in carrying responsibility.