Chaos and Order

If you stand for a bit of contemplation, on the edge of my driveway, looking into the first part of the forest, a forest that stretches for 80 acres, and at the outer edge of which my woods conjoin with the woods of neighbors, you will see what most would call “chaos.”

The Good Place

This morning I was listening to an older but still excellent iTunes University segment from Robert Higgs.  It got me to think about markets versus government.  Perhaps we think too often of these as mutually exclusive spheres.  But what if Murphy’s Law is true — that if things can go wrong, they will? 

Why Entrepreneurs Should Be Studying Anthropology

Farmer’s markets are back in vogue. Airbnb is connecting us to people and places outside of generic hotels. And paleo people all over the world are ditching industrialized carbs and sitting desks for alternative products grounded (supposedly) in the healthier lifestyles of earlier humans. It does seem like some things we left behind are coming back around. And there’s a reason for that.