Is Voting an Act of Violence?

Guest post by Carl Watner. Originally published in The Voluntaryist, April 2000. Hans Sherrer, a subscriber to The Voluntaryist, sent me an essay entitled “Voting Is An Act of Violence,” which began with the statement “Voting is the most violent act someone can commit in his lifetime.” How true is this? First, let us define our…

The Genesis of the State

Guest post by Hamsterdam Economics. According to Franz Oppenheimer, the state is generated in a series of six stages. One or more of these stages may be omitted and still allow for the genesis of a state, as Oppenheimer attests with aid of historical evidence (his historical citations are way too involved to reproduce here,…

The Best Way

Guest post by Kerri Dame. I was inspired to create this blog post following a conversation with some of my lovely, intelligent, compassionate girlfriends the other day, wherein I was surprised that they all seemed to truly believe that physical punishment (spanking) is a necessary part of parenting. Because each child is different, sometimes they…