Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Bruenig-Caplan Debate

“Capitalism” and “socialism” – what do these words even mean?  You could just say that capitalism is the economic system of countries like the United States, and socialism is the economic system of countries like the former Soviet Union.  In that case, I’d say that capitalism is at least ok, while socialism is hell on earth.  Perhaps my opponent would even agree!  It’s more fruitful, though, to treat capitalism and socialism as positions on the ideal economic system.  Something like: the capitalist ideal is that government plays very little role in the economy – and the socialist ideal is that government plays the leading role in the economy.  In that case, I say that capitalism is awesome, and socialism is terrible.

What if Everyone Was Forced to go to Auto Mechanic School?

There’s nothing bad about auto mechanic school.  But it’s easy to spot the absurdity of forcing every person to spend 12 or 16 or 20 years in it and telling them it will be valuable no matter their interests, goals, or future career.  It’s no less absurd to do what we currently do and force everyone to go to professor school for most of their young life.

Schools, Not Guns, Are The Problem

Allowing government schools to continue to exist is a safety nightmare. First of all, you are putting your kids in the hands of cowards and ethical cripples. They ban the decent people from being armed, which encourages evil losers to treat the school as a shooting gallery. If you work for or in a school, and you don’t fight against the “no guns/weapons” policies you are part of the problem. If you help those policies be enforced you are so much worse.