Is the Free Market a Utopia?

Guest post by Nielsio. Jon Stewart asks: “If we didn’t have government, we’d all be in hovercrafts, and nobody would have cancer, and broccoli would be ice-cream?” Libertarians are not against government, they are for economic cooperation. We would like to expand the division of labor in as many areas as possible, and as such…

What it Means to be an Anarcho-Capitalist

Guest post by Stephan Kinsella. Originally published at, January 20th, 2004. Butler Shaffer’s recent LRC article, What is Anarchy?, prompted discussion on the Reason blog and inspired me to set down a few ideas I’ve also had along these lines. Libertarian opponents of anarchy are attacking a straw man. Their arguments are usually utilitarian…

Chapter 16 – Agorist Living

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section Three – Chapter 15 – “Why Socialism Must Fail” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe 16 Agorist Living by Nicholas Hooton The idea of joining the Libertarian Party tempted me years ago when I first discovered libertarian philosophy, as I’m sure it has tempted many before and since. The Party website stared me…

Chapter 10 – Secular Theocracy

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section Two – Chapter 9 – “For Conscience’s Sake” by Carl Watner 10 Secular Theocracy by David J. Theroux Part 1 We live in an increasingly secularized world of massive and pervasive nation states in which traditional religion, especially Christianity, is ruled unwelcome and even a real danger on the basis…

Chapter 7 – The Origin of Religious Tolerance

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section One – Voluntaryist Resources 7 The Origin of Religious Tolerance by Wendy McElroy In 1733 the philosopher credited with ushering in the French Enlightenment, François Marie Arouet de Voltaire, published Letters Concerning the English Nation. It was a pivotal work. Although written in French, the 24 letters were first issued…