Let’s Take a Time Out

Think the following question to yourselves: How come with all of the hundreds of thousands of laws that have been passed since the inception of America, our social structure is collapsing to the point where hateful class warfare has developed? Our infrastructure, our education system, our justice system, our healthcare system, our welfare system and our defense system are all in a deplorable state. Why is it that way?


Even if you can find the one elite who sets a million mites to work on a billion fleas who will infest a trillion dog’s tails, there is another elite starting a similar chain of chains of chains, a nanosecond before and a nanosecond after. 

The Spooner Rule

I could write on for pages without end about the present state of the ‘Net, and its so-called neutrality.  But I would start by saying I am throttled for half of every metering period because I have to get the Internet by satellite in my rural getaway, and the current net neutrality rules are blamed, for the throttling, by my ISP.