Jonathan Haidt: The Coddling of The American Mind (1h2m)

This episode features a lecture by social psychologist Jonathan Haidt from 2018. He addresses the subject of his new book — The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting up a Generation for Failure — in which he investigates the causes of our current confusion, conflict and polarization and offers solutions for individuals and institutions to flourish amidst our differences. Purchase books by Jonathan Haidt on Amazon here.

Childhood Play and Independence Are Disappearing; Let Grow Seeks to Change That

Many of us are old enough to remember how childhood used to be. Our afternoons were spent outside playing with the neighborhood kids—no adults or cell phones in sight. Sometimes we got hurt, with occasional scraped knees or hurt egos, but we worked it out. We always knew we could go home. We had paper routes, mowed lawns, ran errands, and babysat at ages much earlier than we allow our own kids. What happened to childhood in just a generation that now prompts neighbors to call the police when they see an eight-year-old walking her dog?

The First Rule of AIPAC Is: You Do Not Talk about AIPAC

For decades, howling “antisemitism” any time the matter came up proved an effective tactic for shutting down public discussion of the “special relationship” under which Israel receives lavish foreign aid subsidies, effective control of US foreign policy in the Middle East, and lately even state (and pending federal) legislation requiring government contractors to sign loyalty oaths to Israel’s government. The Israeli lobby’s power to prevent that discussion seems to be slipping, however. Why?

In the Grain

Jeff Riggenbach points out that European civilization in the North American new world was founded by two distinct types of adventurer, the first sought freedom from the old order, while the second sought to impose a new order.  We Americans, as a people have been in fundamental conflict ever since. 

The Women’s March Stance on Reproductive Rights is All For The Erasure of Fertility, Not For Women

As much as I see myself as a woman who radically cares for the health and well-being and rights of women, I just can’t get behind the modern, liberal feminist movement that feels so rampant today, precisely because I don’t see that it carries similar values as I do. It touts that it does, but I see it all as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Appeasing Robin Hanson’s Critics

Appeasement is greatly underrated.  As I’ve explained before: Didn’t the Munich Agreement prove for all time that appeasement doesn’t work?  Hardly.  Despite its well-hyped failures, appeasement is an incredibly effective social strategy for dealing with the unreasonable and the unjust… also known as 90% of mankind.  Whenever someone makes bizarre demands upon me, my default is not…