Self-Governance, Rationality, and Secession

Contemplation is a form of internal emigration or mental secession, and every contemplative knows how valuable it can be for the life of the mind. Libertarian secession – a striving for full sovereignty over one’s private property and the physical space delimited by it – is a natural extension of the contemplative impulse from the realm of pure throught to the realm of action.

A Diamond Buried in Manure

This show—the part about space travel and space exploration, anyway–is simply dripping with statist elitism, but there is one bombshell hidden therein, uttered by Neil deGrasse Tyson: “Legislation should be based on objective truths, not on some belief system you happen to have for yourself that others are in conflict with.”

Nay Impossible to Understand the Middle East Fiasco

I believe little of what comes out of the Middle East. This isn’t because I take anyone’s side, but because the natives have such a small amount of influence relative to the other powers that be. So many conflicting interests are concentrated in areas with such a messed up economy and competing native interests that is is almost impossible for a casual observer to understand the complexities of the issue.