Social Coercion, Rights, Thin Blue Line, & Utopia (34m) – Editor’s Break 043

Editor’s Break 043 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: social coercion and voluntaryism, rights in the negative sense and as a social convention, how markets, and not governments, increase peace and tolerance in society, using force when persuasion fails, the negative aspects of the so-called “thin blue line”, what Utopia is and why the free society is not Utopian, the foolishness in treating celebrities as authorities on politics and economics, and more.

Authorities They Are Not

Political discourse is an open-access activity. Anyone can have a say. Among those whose opinions and allegations receive the most notice are celebrities — especially entertainers, actors, TV news figure and pundits, athletes, and people who are famous only for being famous — and politicians. The prominent attention that these persons’ statements garner is unfortunate, to say the least.

Let’s Take a Time Out

Think the following question to yourselves: How come with all of the hundreds of thousands of laws that have been passed since the inception of America, our social structure is collapsing to the point where hateful class warfare has developed? Our infrastructure, our education system, our justice system, our healthcare system, our welfare system and our defense system are all in a deplorable state. Why is it that way?