There Are Two Socialisms

Editor’s Pick. Written by Ernest Lesigne in the 19th Century. There are two Socialisms. One is communistic, the other solidaritarian. One is dictatorial, the other libertarian.One is metaphysical, the other positive. One is dogmatic, the other scientific. One is emotional, the other reflective. One is destructive, the other constructive. Both are in pursuit of the…

Principle = Practice

Send him mail. “Food for Thought” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Tuesday at, by Norman Imberman. Norman is a retired podiatrist who loves playing piano, writing music, lawn bowling, bridge, reading, classical music, going to movies, plays, concerts and traveling. Archived columns can be found here. FFT-only RSS feed available here.…

When Everyone Around You Wants to Restrict Freedom

Written by Yaël Ossowski for There are common sentiments which befall those who attempt to inform others of the excesses and abuses of government force. Despite campaigning on the virtues of personal liberty in the political realm, recommending books, literature, and videos in social settings, and bringing forward economic data, historical comparisons, and empirically-tested…

A Message to Statists of the Left and the Right

Send him mail. “Food for Thought” is an original bi-weekly column appearing every other Tuesday at, by Norman Imberman. Norman is a retired podiatrist who loves playing piano, writing music, lawn bowling, bridge, reading, classical music, going to movies, plays, concerts and traveling. Archived columns can be found here. FFT-only RSS feed available here.…

Economic Fascism and the Power Elite

Written by David S. D’Amato for The state—the organization of the political means—is the institution that allows an idle, unproductive class of parasites to live at the expense of ordinary, working people, whose means are industrious activity and consensual exchange in the marketplace. We ought not assume, however, that the indigent segment of society,…

The Real World

Writes Kicking it Unschool: There is the opinion that school prepares children for the “real world”. I disagree. First of all, children are often forced to go to school against their will. Then they are forced to associate with the children in their classes, lunch hour, and recess. Their lives are put on a schedule…