Unschooling Dads with Skyler Collins, an Interview

“Skyler is an unschooling dad of three children and is the editor of the book Unschooling Dads: Twenty-two Testimonials on Their Unconventional Approach to Education. It’s not often that we get to hear about unschooling from the dad’s perspective and I really love that you took the time and effort to pull this book together. I really enjoyed reading their perspectives.”

Climate Change, Biases, Nukes, & Class Warfare (39m) – Editor’s Break 046

Editor’s Break 046 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what, if anything, government can do about so-called climate change, the reasons for his biases against government solutions, why the possession of nuclear weapons are a violation of the non-aggression principle, his new website, UnschoolingDads.com, the incessant nature of class warfare, and more.

Only the Rich

The government gives an excludable good away for free: roads, parks, education, medicine, whatever.  Then some economist advocates privatization of one of these freebies.  Technocrats may offer some technical objections to privatization.  Normal people, however, will respond with a disgusted rhetorical question: “So only the rich should have roads / parks / education / medicine / whatever?”

Polite Pirates

A: “Greetings. How are you this fine evening?” B: “Well, I was good. Who are you, and why are you pointing a gun at me?” A: “I’m your friendly neighborhood car-jacker, and I will be robbing you tonight.” B: “Is this a joke?” A: “Oh, I assure you this is no joke. I’m a respectable…