The Voluntarist Messaging Problem

Why do we voluntarists struggle to convince people of the fruits of our vision?  Why do people look at us as crazy when we say we don’t need a government to do anything?  Is it because kids have been indoctrinated in government schools for generations?  Perhaps, but I don’t think this is the majority or even a large minority of the cause.

Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Bruenig-Caplan Debate

“Capitalism” and “socialism” – what do these words even mean?  You could just say that capitalism is the economic system of countries like the United States, and socialism is the economic system of countries like the former Soviet Union.  In that case, I’d say that capitalism is at least ok, while socialism is hell on earth.  Perhaps my opponent would even agree!  It’s more fruitful, though, to treat capitalism and socialism as positions on the ideal economic system.  Something like: the capitalist ideal is that government plays very little role in the economy – and the socialist ideal is that government plays the leading role in the economy.  In that case, I say that capitalism is awesome, and socialism is terrible.

“Daddy, What’s a Citizen?”

This question is not as easy to answer for me as it once was. Before understanding the facts about government, I would have answered to the effect of , “A citizen is someone who is a recognized subject of the government.” *almost vomits* (My apologies, but that was very difficult to write.) Or rather, in a way understandable to an 8-year-old. Today, that’s not the answer that I can honestly give. So at first, I resisted, and made a few jokes. I needed to time to think on it. While we were brushing our teeth, the following ensued.

Inconsistent Conservative Interventionists

With the recent news about North Korea and South Korea uniting for the Olympics and perhaps further diplomatic discussions, I am reminded of the (numerous) inconsistencies of the supposedly conservative, free-market neocons. Here is one in particular: These folks often believe in the market rather than a central planner and at the same time believe the communist government of North Korea is an existential threat to the US. 

For Preventing Abuse, Public Schools Are Not a Good Model for Homeschooling

Horrific crimes and violent acts tug at our collective heartstrings. When other humans are harmed, we rightfully feel empathy and anger. We should use these moments as opportunities for reflection and conversation, but we should be careful to not make policy based on emotion. Some are using the egregious case of alleged child abuse by a California family charged with starving and torturing their children in a so-called private school to call for greater regulation of all homeschooling families.

Simple Self-Defense Moves You Can Master

Ever wondered how you would react in case of a sudden unforeseeable physical attack? If you and your loved ones were to face sudden and unstoppable harm, would you be able to stand in its way? Modern society inflicts a false sense of security upon modern-day citizens when in reality the dangers of malevolent incidents such as burglaries, robberies or pure hooliganism are just as real now as they were in medieval ages.