Angry or Rude People, Expenses in Hours, Laser Printers, & Google Calendar (26m) – Episode 034

Episode 034 looks at why we shouldn’t expect an angry person to be able to reason or think clearly, especially children; having empathy and compassion for someone acting rudely, as they’re likely dealing with something difficult; how to calculate your expenses in work hours instead of money, and the benefit of doing so; why a laser printer is more economical for home use than an inkjet; and how Skyler utilizes Google Calendar and Gmail to keep track of recurring tasks, events, and reminders.

Ménage à Priest, Teen Consent, Nigerian Civil Asset Forfeiture, & Plastic-Eating Enzymes (30m) – Episode 399

Episode 399 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Priest had threesome on Louisiana church altar, police say”; from, “Children not able to give ‘proper’ consent to puberty blockers, court told”; from, “Nigeria abolishes special police squad after nationwide protests”; and from, “Plastic-eating enzyme ‘cocktail’ heralds new hope for plastic waste”.

Shame and Bully People

One thing I dislike about people who discuss social justice and other such ideas is that they are merely trying to shame and bully people into having a singular idea regarding certain complex social concepts. This runs extremely contrary to how I think the world should run. It feels very socially and emotionally tyrannical.

Network Privacy, Future Self & Procrastination, Saving Money, and Your Children (28m) – Episode 030

Episode 030 looks at being careful with what you send and do on your workplace computer; doing favors now for your future self; avoiding procrastination by committing to giving the task just 10 minutes, and seeing where that goes; the importance of saving money; spending minimalistically versus lavishly; and why it’s a good idea to love our kids for who they are instead of what we want them to do.