Proglodytes and Conservatrolls

That’s what I see all around me when I look at how people interact with each other. Of course, the simpler name for proglodytes and conservatrolls would be “statists”, but that just leaves them staring at you with no comprehension in their dull eyes. Most don’t understand that word any better than they’d understand the more fun descriptive terms.

Pediatricians Are Now Writing ‘Prescriptions for Play’ During Well-Child Visits

Kids need to play. It seems like an obvious statement, as central to childhood as eating peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches and chasing fireflies. For generations, parents have known that a play-filled childhood is essential for healthy physical and mental development. They didn’t need to read the latest research findings on play. They didn’t need experts to…

Libertarian Criticisms Miss Mark

Libertarians are scolded for heartlessly refusing to admit the protection government provides society against bad guys. Except when those bad guys are politically connected, hold an office, or run one of the thousands of bureaucratic positions used to rob and control members of society in the name of governing. You can’t protect society by sacrificing the individuals who comprise it.


My closet collapsed in the middle of the night. A calamitous noise brought me upright, my eyes wider than humanly possible. I first blamed the cats. But when I turned on a light, I saw that a lion’s part of my earthly possessions lay on the closet floor in disarray.