How to Get Good at Dealing With Massive Change

We all go through times of massive change: a divorce, death in the family, change of job (or loss of job), moving to a new home or city, turbulence in your relationships, political chaos, and all kinds of uncertainties and demands on your time and attention. It can be overwhelming and distressing. But what if we could get good at dealing with all kinds of changes? It would open us up in times of change, so that these times can be times of deepening, growth, and even joy.

Wilson and the USPS

We didn’t get home delivery, but had multi-box units along the highway. He saw the mail carrier stuffing mail in the boxes and stopped to ask her about his missing mail. I wasn’t there, so I really don’t know what was said, or how he said it. He could be a little intense. He suspected she was stealing his mail, and he probably said as much.

A Convenient Caravan: Cui Bono?

In an October 23 editorial, Investor’s Business Daily claims that “[t]he ‘caravan’ of illegal immigrants from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras now making its way to the U.S. border is no accident. The timing, planning and financing of this tragic parade has but one intent: to disrupt and influence our midterm elections.” An interesting assertion, but the piece doesn’t offer answers to any of the questions implied other than to blame Democrats for all things evil.