Episode 017 – Economics 101: Positive vs. Normative (0h38m)

Episode 017 is the second part of the on-going Economics 101 mini-series, on the topic of economics as a positive, non-normative, science. Listen to Episode 017 (0h38m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Walter Williams, Economics for the Citizen, Part 2Wikipedia.org, “Positive Science“Wikipedia.org, “Positive Economics“Roderick Long, “Economics and its Ethical Assumptions“ Contact Email a comment or question to…

Episode 016 – Parenting 101: Birth (1h6m)

Episode 016 continues the Parenting 101 mini-series. In this episode, we talk about birth, the first moments of life, and establishing the bond between mother and baby. Listen to Episode 016 (1h6m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Wikipedia.org, “Obstetrical Dilemma“BreastCrawl.org, “A Scientific Overview“BecomingMamas.com, “Life in the Fourth Trimester“Margot Sunderland, The Science of Parenting Contact Email a comment…

Episode 015 – The Prostitute (1h17m)

Episode 015 begins the sporadic mini-series on Defending the Undefendable, a shock-therapy book by free market economist Walter Block. This episode examines Chapter 1, The Prostitute. Listen to Episode 015 (1h17m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Walter Block, Defending the Undefendable, Chapter 1Audio Version, Chapter 1, “The Prostitute” (10m19s)Wikipedia.com, “Legal Prostitution“Paul Armentano, “The Case for Legalized Prostitution“Russell…

Episode 013 – Parent Effectiveness Training, Part One (1h2m)

Episode 013 is the first part of the sporadic Parent Effectiveness Training mini-series. P. E. T. was developed over 40 years ago by Dr. Thomas Gordon. This episode looks at four types of parents: winners, losers, oscillators, and effective parents, covering chapters one and two. Listen to Episode 013 (1h2m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Thomas Gordon,…

Episode 010 – Parenting 101: The Womb (0h59m)

Episode 010 is the first part of the sporadic Parenting 101 mini-series, on the topics of epigenetics, inside the womb, and the environment of birth. Listen to Episode 010 (0h59m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Wikpedia, “Epigenetics“Begin Before Birth, “Epigenetics“EMBO Reports, “In the Womb’s Shadow“Sandy Le Berre, “Home Birth: The Forgotten Natural Way“Judith Lothian, “The Official Lamaze…

Episode 009 – Economics 101: Scarcity (0h39m)

Episode 009 is the first part of the sporadic Economics 101 mini-series, on the topic of Scarcity. Listen to Episode 009 (0h39m, mp3, 96kbps)Show Notes Walter Williams, Economics for the Citizen, Part 1Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics, Chapter 1Robert Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist, Part 1-1EconLib.org, “Scarcity“D. W. MacKenzie, “What Scarcity Implies“Dan Mahoney, “Scarcity and…