Understanding and Empathy

Guest post by Larry Cohen. When our children have been “bad,” it’s hard for us to remember that they need comfort rather than punishment. After all, when you have made a mistake, would you rather get understanding or criticism? The best way to cultivate empathy is to focus on children’s underlying needs and feelings, instead…

Do You Shame Your Child?

Guest post by Laura Markham. “Children learn to regulate their behaviors by developing an emotional ‘clutch,’ located in the prefrontal cortex, that can turn the accelerator off when the brakes are applied and redirect their interest in more acceptable directions….An activated accelerator followed by the application of brakes leads to a nervous system response with…

Rights as Things

Post by Skyler J. Collins. Originally written April 2010. What are rights? The purpose of this short essay, or collection of thoughts, is to explore that question. So many commentators on rights treat them as something tangible, such as: “We have rights.” as compared to “We have milk.”“Don’t tread on my rights.” as compared to “Don’t…

Defining a Free Society

Guest post by Brian Lobb. What is a “free society”? Some people think that having economic freedom while controlling others socially is freedom. On the opposite side, certain folks think that having social freedom while controlling their neighbors’ pocketbook is freedom. Neither stance is freedom when you really break it down. To have a truly…