An Atelatheist Exposes the Religion of Statism

Yes, belief in the State results in buildings being built, people molested due to “laws”, and other physical effects in the real world, but those are no more proof of the existence of the State than churches, inquisitions, martyrs, or charities are proof of the existence of God. People who believe something do things based on that belief. Such is the nature of belief. Beliefs have effects on the behavior of people who believe, even when the belief is in something imaginary.

Perfect in What Sense? II

Once I read in a forgotten novel or a forgotten review of a forgotten novel that one character described another as able to identify and illuminate the least distinguished facet of any set of circumstances. I am reminded of this when I hear of POTUS’s latest tweet recounting the attack on Syria as “perfectly executed.”

Love of Wisdom, Robin Hood, Civilized Behavior, & Shadow Profiles (34m) – Editor’s Break 075

Editor’s Break 075 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what philosophy is, what wisdom is, what politics is; who Robin Hood was and why we need more ethical outlaws; why calling for gun control is not engaging in civilized behavior; the legitimacy of Facebook creating and maintaining “shadow profiles” in their database; and more.

The Philosophical Toolbox

I’m not saying that philosophy as a whole is without contradiction, however through years of weeding through different philosophies and theories I was able to find what works best for me. A collection of tools with which anyone can use to truly test whether an idea, concept, law, or edict is just, fair, and equitable. In no particular order I’d like to present a few of the tools I use use when trying to make a consistent, rational, and logical judgement or claim.

Good Parenting, MYOB, Spitting Toddlers, & Russian Propaganda (28m) – Editor’s Break 073

Editor’s Break 073 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what good parenting is; why it’s important to mind your own business and how to balance that with community vigilance; how to deal with misbehavior, such as a toddler spitting on your face; the courage in sticking with your principles, especially when it means standing alone; whether or not we should be concerned with Russian propaganda and election meddling; and more.

The Sexualization of Children

If we saw a picture or video of a child in a bath the natural thoughts of the vast majority of people 100 years ago, or from someone not influenced by our culture would be incredibly indifferent. Now, our modern culture has trained people to immediately think of sex. The video turns into a test of pedophilia and how we ought to regard this video in response to pedophilia. Think about that for a second … our society has trained you to view child nudity, child interests, and child activities first through the prism of sex. Holy shit.