Executive Orders: This is Trump’s Brain on Drugs

Healthcare would be cheaper, better, and more accessible if government got its nose out of the matter entirely — but failing that, three of these four orders make good sense. They’re also a great litmus test. They tell us who really supports freer markets in healthcare and who just pays lip service to the notion while advocating crony capitalism in service to Big Pharma.

Celebrities, Daughters, Family Time, Megachurches, Politics, Riots, & War (32m) – Episode 338

Episode 338 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: stupidpieceofshit- writes, “Celebrities are not leaders. Stop expecting them to make statement on every issue”; fallingthroughspace0 writes, “Threatening your daughter’s boyfriend with guns or violence should not be normalized”; emotionalrek writes, “Forced family time is a horrible idea”; somkkeshav555 writes, “Megachurches are cults that scam people and should be cracked down on by law enforcement”; Watermelonlesson-Top writes, “Saying ‘people that stay out of politics, or people that don’t actively fight against something are part of the problem’, is going too far”; FairyChick69 writes, “It is frightening to see how many young Americans are essentially advocating for domestic terrorism against their ideological opponents.”; and Alternative-Coat6972 writes, “Revolution Isn’t Fun. War Isn’t Fun. The People Calling For War and Revolution in the United States Need a Reality Check.”

“Peak Libertarianism?” No, Thom Hartmann is Just a Sore Winner

“We have now reached peak Libertarianism,” Thom Hartmann informs us at CounterPunch, “and this bizarre experiment that has been promoted by the billionaire class for over 40 years is literally killing us.” That claim is so bizarre on its face that it’s easy to dismiss. On the other hand, even the craziest claims can fool people if nobody takes the time to debunk them.

Government Makes Crisis Worse

Whatever the crisis is, and whether it was caused by a virus, police callousness, racism, inequality, or something else, governments love the excuse to crack down on liberty. This is often among their first responses — regardless of what the crisis is, what caused the crisis, or how it might be solved. It’s as though they don’t even care about those trivial details.

America’s “Days of Rage”: The Extensive Left-Wing Bombings & Domestic Terrorism of the 1970s

Most Americans have never heard of these acts of terrorism from leftist groups that were so numerous throughout the 1970s. But this is a prime example of “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The urban unrest, which has rocked America in the early 2020s, is nothing new. The 1960s saw both race riots and left-wing terrorist groups looking to exploit animosity between racial groups in America.

Yes, the Rent is Too Damn High — But Not Because the Minimum Wage is Too Damn Low

Who are the geniuses limiting the housing supply with permit schemes, zoning restrictions, and supposed “fair housing” rules, all while pretending they’re doing tenants a favor? The same geniuses who oppress workers with minimum wage laws, licensing requirements, and supposed “labor protections,” all while pretending they’re doing workers a favor.

Don’t Put Too Much Faith in the Experts

Between 2 million and 3 million Americans will die! That was the prediction from “experts” at London’s Imperial College when COVID-19 began. They did also say if there was “social distancing of the whole population,” the death toll could be cut in half, but 1.1 million to 1.46 million Americans would still die by this summer. Our actual death toll has been about one-tenth of that.