Misallocate Resources

One of the most important differences between people operating as government functionaries and people operating in free markets is that the former are free to, and do, make the same mistakes again and again. People who make mistakes in markets have to reallocate resources to more promising ventures; they cut back production of goods and services that consumers are not buying; and they close firms that cannot cover their costs in the long run.


Let me be clear:  I consider suicide a tremendous tragedy.  It has touched my life and my family very deeply, and personally.  It seems to me that there are a thousand and one options, in most cases, before one should undertake such a dramatic, final, and irreversible course of action. That said, in the final analysis, the decision to live or not to live is – and should be – 100% the exclusive choice of the owner of that life – and never some outside party.  Ever. 

Dads and Moms, Useable Organs, Historical Standards, & Unpaid Internships (28m) – Episode 409

Episode 409 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: this_justin__ writes, “Dads dont get enough credit for the work they put into raising a kid”; real_mangle_official writes, “If the only reason you can think of for your children to respect you is that you gave birth to them, you have no reason to be respected”; diobreads writes, “Useable organs of dead people should be harvested, no matter what the family says”; Ocean_faux writes, “Judging past historical figures actions by today’s standards is totally unfair to them.”; and Kaktus_ writes, “Unpaid internships should be illegal”.