Reflections on the Ukrainian Refugees

I just returned from a two-week speaking tour of Poland, Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia. Most of the focus was on Open Borders, which has been translated into Polish, Hungarian, and Czech. Lots of Americans urged me to cancel the visit, or at least leave my 12-year-old son behind. Since our family ignored the doom-sayers, my son and I had an inspiring and thought-provoking journey, making friends wherever we went.

News? Not!

I gave up watching cable news long ago — I believe it was during the first Bush Jr administration, just after the beginning of the failing War on Terror.  The lack of information due to overemployment in the media sector and the resultant rise in partisanship rendered the “news” useless.

When History Begins – Russia, Ukraine & the US

Contrary to what hypocritical U.S. rulers and their loyal mass media suggest, two propositions can both be — and indeed are — true: 1) that Russia has grossly, brutally, and criminally mishandled the situation it has faced with respect to Ukraine, and 2) that the U.S. government since the late 1990s has been entirely responsible for imposing that situation on Russia.