Show Your Qualities & The Dimension of “Should” (17m) – Episode 029

Episode 029 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Marcus Aurelius who wrote, “People aren’t in awe of your sharp mind? So be it. But you have many other qualities you can’t claim to have been deprived of at birth. Display then those qualities in your own power: honesty, dignity, endurance, chastity, contentment, frugality, kindness, freedom, persistence, avoiding gossip, and magnanimity.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by mussel_bouy who started off with, “There is a dimension. A dimension not of sight or sound but of mind. It is both in the future and past but never the present. It has no physical location but for many of us, we live there. It is ‘the dimension of should’.”

Everything is Change & Avoiding the Crowd (21m) – Episode 025

Episode 025 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Marcus Aurelius who wrote, “Meditate often on the swiftness with which all that exists and is coming into being is swept by us and carried away. For substance is like a river’s unending flow, its activities continually changing and causes infinitely shifting so that almost nothing at all stands still.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by kolbi01 who started off with, “The young character, which cannot hold fast to righteousness, must be rescued from the mob; it is too easy to side with the majority – Thoughts on Seneca’s letter VII”.

Cowardice as a Design Problem & Negative Perceptions by Others (17m) – Episode 020

Episode 020 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Seneca who wrote, “Life without a design is erratic. As soon as one is in place, principles become necessary. I think you’ll concede that nothing is more shameful than uncertain and wavering conduct, and beating a cowardly retreat. This will happen in all our affairs unless we remove the faults that seize and detain our spirits, preventing them from pushing forward and making an all-out effort.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a discussion which began with, “How do you deal with people having incorrect [or] negative perceptions of you?”

Work in Progress & Emotional Mastery (23m) – Episode 016

Episode 016 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Epictetus who wrote, ““Show me someone sick and happy, in danger and happy, dying and happy, exiled and happy, disgraced and happy. Show me! By God, how much I’d like to see a Stoic. But since you can’t show me someone that perfectly formed, at least show me someone actively forming themselves so, inclined in this way. . . . Show me!”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a discussion which began with, “The whole thing with removing emotion from things in life makes me just more depressed and has led me to stop reading into stoiscm. Do u have any advice for me?”

Be Down to Earth & Stake Your Own Claim (17m) – Episode 012

Episode 012 looks at two Stoic teachings, “Zeno always said that nothing was more unbecoming than putting on airs, especially with the young.” – Diogenes; and “For it’s disgraceful for an old person, or one in sight of old age, to have only the knowledge carried in their notebooks. Zeno said this . . . what do you say? Cleanthes said that . . . what do you say? How long will you be compelled by the claims of another? Take charge and stake your own claim—something posterity will carry in its notebook.” – Seneca.