SC Planned Parenthood, Rape Death Penalty, Betelgeuse, & Blindness Gene Therapy (36m) – Episode 404

Episode 404 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “US Supreme Court rejects SC’s effort to cut off public funding for Planned Parenthood”; from, “Bangladesh approves death penalty for rape cases after protests”; from, “Betelgeuse is 25 percent closer than scientists thought”; and from, “Gene therapy brings back 8-year-old Canadian boy’s sight”.

Julieta Returns, Child Problems, Sons & Daughters, Bad People, & Financial Responsibility (37m) – Episode 403

Episode 403 has Skyler and Julieta giving their commentary on the following questions from Quora: “If you are giving complete freedom to your child to live his or her life however they want, if some problem arises should they face it alone?”; “Do fathers treat sons and daughters differently?”; “Are parents really responsible if their child becomes a bad person?”; and “How long are your parents financially responsible for you?”

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Seven (27m) – Episode 402

Episode 402 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A fool deplores the fact that automation destroys jobs. A person of reason delights in the fact that it makes jobs less automatic.”; “A democratic statist is someone who believes that individual liberty consists in participation in the process of collective self-enslavement.”; “A foolish egalitarian wants to empower the state to prevent the market from making the rich richer. A smart egalitarian wants to empower the market to prevent the state from keeping the poor poor.”; “Happiness is the state of letting go of all expectations while keeping the ability to wonder.”; “Aphorism: the precarious middle ground between brief banality and condensed obscurity.”; “A technocrat is someone too dull to be an inventor, too technically inept to be a scientist, too reality-averse to be an entrepreneur, and too power-hungry to be a consultant.”

Julieta’s Journey, Mexican Immigrant, Skyler’s Wonderful Wife (1h30m) – Episode 400

Episode 400 welcomes Julieta Collins to the podcast to chat with her husband on the following topics: her parents’ lives before and after they met; her father’s deafness and his challenges; what primary school was like for her; her birth in Mexico City, Mexico, a city of 13M at the time, 22M today; visiting Chicago, Illinois when she was 14 and nearly being sexually assaulted by a taxicab driver who apparently changed his mind; her visual impairment (Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy) and how it has affected her life; the devastating betrayal of her father by her uncle which precipitated her family’s need to move to the United States; meeting the Mormon missionaries and converting from Catholicism to Mormonism; moving to Chicago in 1999 on the same travel visa from 1994, which expired a few months later, and then Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002; losing her Spanish and what little English she had learned the moment she laid eyes on her future husband, Skyler Collins; the story of their engagement in Nauvoo, Illinois; and more.

Ménage à Priest, Teen Consent, Nigerian Civil Asset Forfeiture, & Plastic-Eating Enzymes (30m) – Episode 399

Episode 399 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Priest had threesome on Louisiana church altar, police say”; from, “Children not able to give ‘proper’ consent to puberty blockers, court told”; from, “Nigeria abolishes special police squad after nationwide protests”; and from, “Plastic-eating enzyme ‘cocktail’ heralds new hope for plastic waste”.

Niggas, Tolerance, “Adults in the Room” & Wizard’s Thirteenth Rule (30m) – Episode 398

Episode 398 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the maintenance of the n-word (nigga, nigger) with and by the black community; why tolerance is not abiding the presence of people you agree with; when there have ever been “adults in the room” at the White House, he wonders; and continuation of the Wizard’s Rules mini-series, Wizard’s Thirteenth Rule: “There have always been those who hate, and there always will be.”

Chris J. Returns, Psychedelics, VP Debate, & 3-Pole Political Polarization (58m) – Episode 397

Episode 397 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: Amazon package delivery woes; CBD and health supplements; use of psychedelics like ketamine and psilocybin (magic mushrooms); Vice Presidential debate in Salt Lake City; Trump’s pummeling of old-man Biden; being woke or red-pilled, and where Skyler would be had he not discovered economics and libertarianism 15 years ago; their new thesis that the political polarization that has occurred the last 20 years has been not been 2-poled, left vs. right, but rather, 3-poled, left vs. right vs. disillusionment; whether being ignorant of economics or being a Keynesian/Marxian is worse; and more.

Socialist Policing, Slave Haunting, Monica Lewinsky, Enabling Trump, & Fusion Movement (31m) – Episode 396

Episode 396 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: the problem with determining how long police officers should be trained before given a badge and gun; Donald Trump dying and haunting the White House along with the ghosts of the slaves who built it; Monica Lewinsky’s willingness to “take one for the team” and give Trump a blowjob in the Oval Office; Booger says “To hell with [Trump] and all those who enable him.” and I agree; why only a fusion movement can stop authoritarianism, and why that’s a bigger problem than white supremacy.

Work or Starve, Homeownership, Effects of Inequality, & Do Good and Evil Exist? (27m) – Episode 395

Episode 395 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following questions from Quora: “Why do capitalists say that capitalism is voluntary when it is not because if you do not work, you die?”; “Why does the government encourage homeownership?”; “How does inequality affect the economy?”; and “Does good and evil exist? Are they merely social constructs?”