Violating the NAP, Libertarian Planet, & Democracy and Minorities (19m) – Editor’s Break 098

Editor’s Break 098 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether one should violate the non-aggression principle to save somebody’s life, and what that says about the non-aggression principle; how a newcomer can come to own property in a place where all property is already owned; the effect of democratic government for minority groups; and more.

Gun Policy Costs, Equality and Property Rights, & Minarchism (26m) – Editor’s Break 094

Editor’s Break 094 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether homicides, suicides, et cetera, are a valid consideration for the costs of liberal gun policy; the achievement of wealth inequality in a society where property rights are secure; the status of minarchism, or minimal statism, as a libertarian political philosophy; and more.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Manspreading, & Teachers’ Pay (22m) – Editor’s Break 093

Editor’s Break 093 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the importance of respecting “innocent until proven guilty” and whether employers should also respect it; manspreading and “gender aggression”; the never-ending controversy over “public sector” teacher pay; Proposition 2 in Utah to legalize medical marijuana; and more. Listen to Editor’s Break 093 (22m,…

Intelligent Immigrants, Voluntaryist Lifestyle, & Property Rights (22m) – Editor’s Pick 092

Editor’s Break 092 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: his new primer on challenging jurisdiction; whether intelligent foreigners should remain in their home countries or immigrate for better prospects; the benefits of the voluntaryist lifestyle to others; the source of property rights and the implication of non-aggression; whether unschooled kids will act virtuously; and more.

Discipline, Homeschooling Intolerance, Politics and Development (23m) – Editor’s Break 091

Editor’s Break 091 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what it means to discipline a child and whether he’d be okay with other people disciplining his children; what to do about your anger or prejudice toward a loved one who has decided to keep their children home from school; how politics, the use of violence in society, can affect societal and economic development; and more.

Cody Wilson, Papa John, TSA Immunity, & Cowboys (24m) – Editor’s Break 090

Editor’s Break 090 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed, and why it’s a good thing that everyone the world over can download and make their own firearms; his mixed feelings on Papa John being rebuked for using the word “nigger” informationally; the TSA being given immunity from liability for their actions; the controversy around the University of Wyoming’s new marketing slogan, “The world needs more cowboys.”; and more.

Intellectual Dark Web, Automation, & Safe Spaces (26m) – Editor’s Break 089

Editor’s Break 089 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what the Intellectual Dark web is; the various recognized and unrecognized members of the Intellectual Dark Web, such as Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan B. Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Ben Stone, Tom Woods, et al; the supposed threat of robotics and automation and why there’s nothing to fear; in what ways he opposes so-called safe spaces, and in what we ways he supports them; and more.