Stolen Land, Superior Cultures, Racism, & Divorcing Family (33m) – Episode 324

Episode 324 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: qwesrst writes, “It’s dumb to complain about native land being stolen every single bit of land on the entire earth has been stolen”; Kingen232 writes, “Some cultures are better than other, and disliking the culture of a people doesn’t make you racist.”; Kat_nu writes, “Racism is not the same as Cultural stereotyping.”; and kayasphotographs writes, “It’s fine to not love your family members or in-laws.”

Billionaires, Freedom, Stoicism, & Police Brutality (28m) – Episode 323

Episode 323 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: billionaires, what they do with their wealth and how to properly redistribute it through an increase to market competition; the difference between liberty and freedom and how unfree America really is; the value in his study and practice of Stoicism as it concerns driving around town for work; who the police are and why they aren’t your friend and protector; and more.

Far Left Utopia, Billionaires, Censorship, & “Government is Good” (31m) – Episode 321

Episode 321 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: ross-cross writes, “libertarianism is a childish far left utopia it doesn’t include much from right besides guns”; Franklin Veaux writes, “Libertarianism can be summed up as ‘I want to profit from group cooperative effort that benefits everyone, but don’t you dare tell me that I should have to contribute to the cooperative effort from which I am making money!'”; steveandthesea writes, “There is literally no ethical way to become a billionaire”; EatTheBugsBigot writes, “Corporate censorship is worse than government censorship”; and Jshbone12 writes (and the_Blind_Samurai elaborates on), “Government is good.”

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Two (26m) – Episode 320

Episode 320 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A bad economist believes that pay can be legislated. A good economist believes that legislation can be paid for.”; “A barbarian believes in the benevolence of power. A civilized person believes in the power of benevolence.”; “A fool believes that people are free when they are all equal. A person of reason believes that people are equal when they are all free.”; “Achieving peace of mind is the dual task of becoming aware of the extent of stupidity in the world and resolving not to contribute to it by refusing to dwell on it.”; “A fool believes that a ban can eliminate debauchery. A person of reason knows that it can increase its attraction.”; “A fool believes that uncertainty infects human life with the misery of fear. A person of reason knows that it imbues human life with the benefit of choice.”

Gangsta McCloskeys, Racist Wilmington Cops, & Stealing Nazi Flags (31m) – Episode 319

Episode 319 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: Mark and Patricia McCloskey defending their home from 300 invading protestors; racist Wilmington, NC police officers accidently caught on their own recording devices talking about slaughtering “fucking niggers” in an upcoming civil war; a woman being shot multiple times as she ran away from stealing a Nazi flag from someone’s front porch; and more.

Contra The Short, Simple Dismissal Of Libertarianism: Philosophy and Society (32m) – Episode 317

Episode 317 has Skyler giving his commentary on the subtopics “Philosophy” and “Society” from Mike Huben‘s “The Short, Simple Dismissal of Libertarianism“. He writes, “99% of libertarianism is obviously untrue or unacceptable for one or more of these reasons… How can we know that so easily? Here are some simple principles that make it obvious.”