CDA Section 230, 1/3 of 1% COVID-19, Teacher Strikes, & Uighur Slavery (39m) – Episode 339

Episode 339 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the Trump Administration’s desire to remove CDA Section 230 platform liability protections for altering third party content; the United State surpassing 4 Million COVID-19 cases, which according to recent research is probably 10x higher, producing a death rate of 1/3 of 1%; the possible national teachers’ union strikes over reopening in-person instruction without certain safety precautions; and a coalition group putting pressure on businesses benefiting from Chinese Uighur slavery.

Riotous Looting, Police Brutality, Qualified Immunity, and Raising Adults (37m) – Episode 337

Episode 337 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: outsourcing security to an institution who claims not to have a duty to provide it leads to riotous looting; police brutality is a problem of authoritarianism, not racism; the abolition of qualified immunity in his lifetime; putting the focus as parents on raising adults, not on raising kids; and more.

COVID-19 10x Higher, Junk Food, Saudi Arabia Ruling, & Chinese Uighurs (42m) – Episode 333

Episode 333 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: CDC study shows COVID-19 cases may be 10 times higher than reported; COVID-19 testing produces 20-30% false negatives; Britons want to treat junk food advertising like tobacco advertising; a court in Saudi Arabia ruled in favor of a woman who was on trial for living and traveling on her own; British lawmakers want to put more pressure on China over their criminal and genocidal handling of their Uighur population; and more.

Pandemic Evictions, MN Police PTSD, Student Visas, & SCOTUS Robocall Ruling (29m) – Episode 328

Episode 328 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the looming evictions of 28 million Americans caused by government lockdowns; Minneapolis police officers filing for PTSD-related disability claims; ICE forcing student visa holders to attend university in-person or risk deportation; the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning the 2015 law exempting government debt collectors from the 1991 law banning robocalls to cell phones; and more.

Private Censorship, Bootlickers, Forcing Dishonesty, & Free Country (21m) – Episode 327

Episode 327 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: attacking social media censorship on intellectual property protection grounds; repeating the state’s demands is it’s own form of bootlicking; forcing your children to offer an insincere apology is teaching them to lie; do we live in a free county of public discourse is dominated by politics?; and more.

Billionaires, Freedom, Stoicism, & Police Brutality (28m) – Episode 323

Episode 323 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: billionaires, what they do with their wealth and how to properly redistribute it through an increase to market competition; the difference between liberty and freedom and how unfree America really is; the value in his study and practice of Stoicism as it concerns driving around town for work; who the police are and why they aren’t your friend and protector; and more.