Patents, Social Justice Warriors, Co-Sleeping, & Tribalism (35m) – Editor’s Break 130

Editor’s Break 130 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: a bizarre occurrence in food delivery; the absurdity that is the stato-legal concept of “first-to-file” and patents; how social justice warriors infantilize their peers; the origin of putting kids in separate bedrooms; confusing nationalism with patriotism and tribalism; why he writes and podcasts, primarily, plus a look at possible podcasts he’d like to start; and more.

Thanos, Renegades, Working, Anarcho-Capitalism, & Technology (32m) – Editor’s Break 128

Editor’s Break 128 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what New Years means to him; why Thanos is a villain; the importance of cultural and economic renegades pushing boundaries toward the fight for liberty; the necessity of working to prevent starvation; how anarcho-capitalism explains reality; who the so-called “addictive” qualities of technology is a problem for; and more. Happy New Year 2019!

Voluntaryists, Determinism, Regulation, Progressivism, & Tantrums (23m) – Editor’s Break 126

Editor’s Break 126 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: voluntaryists who prefer coercive solutions to socio- or politico-economic problems; the delusional thinking required in accepting determinism (vs. free will); why government regulation is unnecessary; what true progressivism is; how to handle violent tantrums by toddlers; and more.

Vice, False Allegations, Christmas, Internet Safety, & Decentralization (22m) – Editor’s Break 123

Editor’s Break 123 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: how anybody chooses to eradicate what they consider to be vice, either violently or non-violently; the cultural progress that is represented by the existence of false rape allegations; his weariness toward Christmas, and on cultural cages in general; how he protects his kids who have unfettered access to the internet; why democracy must be as decentralized as possible if it is going to protect individual rights; and more.

Culture, Copying, Victimless Crimes, Your Truth, & Social Media (23m) – Editor’s Break 121

Editor’s Break 121 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the difficulty in implementing democracy in a culture not ready for it; why saying “stealing intellectual property” is a misleading euphemism; why your government is not so different than Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia; the importance of speaking your truth, right or wrong; the government and market forces pushing social media and other companies to deplatform controversial users; and more.