NFL Football, Voluntaryist Voices Podcast, & Toxic Masculinity (25m) – Episode 271

Episode 271 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: enjoying the NFL’s NFC and AFC Conference championship games; his prediction for the coming Super Bowl winner; the new podcast by EVC featuring lectures and interviews by voluntaryist giants past and present; understanding toxic masculinity by live-reading an essay shared by a friend; and more.

Lookism, Colonizing Mars, Expectations, Gender Expression, & Egalitarianism (25m) – Episode 270

Episode 270 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what lookism is and why it’s absurd; his view on colonizing Mars and the space program; why parental expectations of children should begin and end with joy; the infinite number of genders in the world; why markets are best suited toward bringing about egalitarian ideals; and more.

Gillette Social Justice & An Attack on Voluntaryism Rebutted (40m) – Episode 269

Episode 269 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the new Gillette commercial admonishing men to be better men, in part by keeping other men under control; the patriarchal undertones of the Gillette commercial; the unfortunate oversights of not including women (mothers) in their admonishment in how boys are raised and the absence of striking the root issue of violent and coercive parenting practices; the claim that voluntaryism is “exploitation pretending to be anarchism”; where left anarchists make major mistakes in their critique of voluntaryist and anarcho-capitalist theory; and more.

YouTube, Taxation, Voluntaryists, Conquest, & Economics (25m) – Episode 268

Episode 268 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: YouTube’s copyright claim system and the trouble that its causing; why libertarian types complain about what government spends its ill-gotten gains on; voluntaryist time-traveler solutions to the problem of Hitler; the peculiarity in descendants of conquered people sharing in the religious/political sensibilities of their ancestor’s conquerors; the value of economics in shifting moral outrage from market actors to government actors; and more.

Corporatism, Social Media Dangers, Self-Enslavement, Back Talk, Forced Egalitarianism (27m) – Episode 265

Episode 265 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the effects of corporatism on growing businesses and industries; the dangers of social media to schooled preteens, particular girls; how property is a form of self-enslavement; why he doesn’t punish his children for talking back to him; how egalitarians are like the Communists and Fascists in their creation of a “New Man”; and more.