Reject the Initiation of Violence

Written by Ron Paul, as published at Restraining aggressive behavior is one thing, but legalizing a government monopoly for initiating aggression can only lead to exhausting liberty associated with chaos, anger, and the breakdown of civil society. Permitting such authority and expecting saintly behavior from the bureaucrats and the politicians is a pipe dream.Read…

Rights That Aren’t

Written by Wheylous for The Voluntaryist Reader. Initially, the [American] Founders formulated the Constitution not to delineate the rights of the individual, but to restrict the powers of government. Soon thereafter, it was decided that the Constitution indeed needed to list some individual rights, so greedy was government for power. Hence, the Bill of Rights…

Personal Anarchy

Written by Michael Ziesing for The Voluntaryist, August 1991. Tell people you’re an anarchist and you’ll probably get a reaction. Maybe they’ll back away and/or run in sheer terror. (You may have a bomb and know how to use it, after all!) Or maybe they’ll spit in your eye and/or try to lock you up.…

A Critique of Leftist Anarchism

Written by Neodoxy for The Voluntaryist Reader. If communism, syndicalism, egalitarianism, and democracy are all as natural and positive as…the radical left claim, then they should be happy to remove the state and allow society to spontaneously flow into its “natural” shape. Let’s stop playing these name games and work towards disbanding the state. Then…

Thoughts on Violence

Written by Clayton for The Voluntaryist Reader. Violence is related to voluntaryism in that we can roughly define choices influenced by threats of violence as non-voluntary. Violence is not a uniquely human experience. In fact, human social interactions are remarkably non-violent by comparison to the rest of the natural world. Violence between biological organisms manifests…