The Power of the Individual

Written by Doris Lessing, as published in The Voluntaryist, February 1992. It is particularly hard for young people, faced with what seem like impervious walls of obstacles, to have belief in their ability to change things, to keep their personal and individual viewpoints intact. I remember very clearly how it seemed to me in my…

It’s About Love

Written by Skyler J. Collins. Modified from the original written in August 2011. I am wont to harp on non-voluntaryist political philosophies because of their foundations in violence. I’d like to take just a moment to explain something that I haven’t done a good enough job explaining.Voluntaryism to me is about one thing: Love. I’ve…

The Rationally Misinformed Voter

Written by Thomas J. DiLorenzo for In the sub-discipline of economics known as public choice, an important concept is the theory of “rational ignorance.” First articulated by political scientist Anthony Downs in the 1950s, and expanded upon by economist Gordon Tullock and others, the theory of rational ignorance holds that it is perfectly rational…

But What About Voluntary Slaves?

Written by Clayton for The Voluntaryist Reader. One of the objections that is raised against voluntaryism is that, since “anything goes” in a voluntary society so long as it is voluntary, wouldn’t there be voluntary slavery? If Smith sells himself into slavery to Jones, we as voluntaryists must respect this voluntary choice, no?Read the full…

Obsessed by Megalomania

Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe by German weekly Junge Freiheit. Are taxes nothing but protection money? The state a kind of mafia? Democracy a fraud? Philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe is not only considered one of the most prominent pioneering intellectuals of the libertarian movement, but also perhaps the sharpest critic of the Western political system. Professor Hoppe:…