Unapologetic Anarchism

Editor’s Pick. Written by Alex R. Knight, III. The most obvious question that never gets asked is: “What, pray tell, makes you believe that those who call themselves government – those whose very livings are derived from stolen and extorted loot (taxes), are themselves more heavily armed than anyone else, and are responsible for every…

Nonviolent Resistance is Not Futile

Editor’s Pick. Written by Benett Freeman (original). Some thoughts on resistance… 1. Individual, isolated acts of resistance – whether violent or not – cannot bring about an end to industrial civilisation or any aspect of the incumbent paradigm. 2. With sufficient (majority) support, the sheer weight of popular, non-violent, resistance will be enough to depose…

The Faux Slavery Analogy to Voting

Editor’s Pick. Written by Wendy McElroy. I oppose electoral voting on both moral and strategic grounds. In presenting the Voluntaryist case against electoral voting, however, I commonly encounter the slavery analogy as a counterargument in support of defensive voting. A classic formulation of it comes from Walter Block who argues, “Suppose we were slaves, and…

There Will Be No Victorious State

Editor’s Pick. Written by Alex Knight. One of the most absurd characteristics of democracy to me is the unspoken yet obviously present belief on the part of all active participants that ultimately, one day, through enough intellectual persuasion – or even underhanded political tactics so often openly engaged in – a single ideology will prevail,…

The Libertarian Paradox

Editor’s Pick. Written by Llewellyn Rockwell. As libertarians attempt to persuade others of their position, they encounter an interesting paradox. On the one hand, the libertarian message is simple. It involves moral premises and intuitions that in principle are shared by virtually everyone, including children. Do not hurt anyone. Do not steal from anyone. Mind…

Social Contract Fallacy

Editor’s Pick. Written by AC. You are a slave. If you’ve ever argued with a government apologist, you’ve heard the social contract fallacy. It says that even though government does evil things like steal your money and kill people, that is okay because everyone agreed to live under the government’s rule. Of course, there is…