Initiation of Force

Written by Harry Hoiles, as published in The Voluntaryist, October 1992. The initiation of force against peaceful people is always wrong. Yet most citizens of our country support this initiation of force when it is used to collect taxes. Why do they do so? Is it because they can’t visualize a government which is voluntarily…

Pro-business or Pro-market?

Written by wheylous for The Voluntaryist Reader. One of the main concerns curious people have about libertarianism is that it is pro-business and pro-Big Business. If it ain’t multinational, it ain’t capitalism! But is being pro-market inherently the same as being pro-business? Do libertarians really love large corporations? These are questions that are often ignored,…

Waging War on Work

Written by Nicholas Freiling for Employment law is a mainstay of state economic policy. Few question its efficacy as a means to correct “market failures”—like unlivable wages for meaningful work—that would leave society in shambles. In fact, no serious debate exists among American policymakers about the benefits of such laws. Their utility is simply…

The Austrians Were Right

Written by Harry Veryser, as published at The global economic meltdown that began in 2007 has brought suffering to countless millions. We have all witnessed—and in many cases experienced—the devastation. But it didn’t have to be this way. This kind of financial devastation has been predicted again and again—decade after decade—by proponents of the Austrian School…