Penis. Penis, penis, penis. Can you say it with a straight face? Without giggling? Without feeling squeamish? Can you look your son in the eye and tell him, this is your penis? Because you must. You must.
It’s hard. Many of us grew-up in environments where these words were not spoken. You may feel uncomfortable just hearing them, let alone saying them aloud. But you must set aside your discomfort and protect your child. Yes, protect.
Pedophiles often target children who appear uneducated about their bodies. They will adopt “cute” nicknames for private body parts while using the child’s lack of knowledge as an excuse to “learn” about each other’s bodies.
A well-educated, confident child is less appealing to a predator. Teach your children, please. It’s a vulva. A vagina. An anus. Your testicles. A penis. These are your private parts. They belong to you. These are their names. You’ve got to do this.