Editor’s Pick. Written by BigDaddy MamaBear.
Do you share your car with others? Your cell phone? Your favorite necklace or pair of jeans? Your engagement ring? That one-of-a-kind heirloom your grandmother passed to you? Do you share your credit card? Your stash of old X-Men comics? How about your partner? Would you willingly share any of those things just because, you know, sharing is a “virtue”?
Perhaps you might. Perhaps some of those things you’d be happy to share with a friend. Or a family member. Or even someone down on their luck. But hardly any of us would be thrilled if we were “forced” to share our most prized possessions. Yet, our culture dictates that children should be required to share, lest they grow up to be selfish and uncaring. If we are to apply our beliefs consistently and place ourselves in our children’s shoes, so to speak, it’s easy to see how being forced to share one of their prized possessions could be just as disconcerting as for an adult placed in a similar position.