I read a post on Facebook today where someone used less when the “correct” word was fewer. Or was it the other way around? Which ever it was, someone corrected the poster and another chimed in and was disappointed that they weren’t the ones to point out the error.
Isn’t the point of communicating to convey meaning? Is there anyone who is honestly confused when someone uses “less” instead of “fewer”? If there is no room for confusion – why do we want to hold so tightly to the difference? Let the words become true synonyms.
(For those that aren’t sure of what the difference is – use fewer when something can be counted and less when it can’t be counted.)
There are times when poor grammar can truly lead to an ambiguous meaning – in that case, it is probably wise to clarify what is meant. And yes, it can be fun to joke with a loved one about possible double meanings or erroneous word choices. However, it has been my observation that for the most part, the one doing the correcting is more interested in being right than in understanding. At least that’s what I observe in myself when I am “concerned” with someone’s grammar and word usage.
Musing Fool