5 Things I Do To Recharge After Long Workdays

Nights and mornings are times for me to both reset from long work days and prepare for long work days to come. As I grow further into my work, my evening recharge times have become precious. If you’re going for it during the work day, you’re going to feel that, too. If you’re reading this post, you might be wondering how you can build regular(ish) practices into your evenings to ensure that recharging happens.

“Avengers: Infinity War” Is A Cosmic Battle of Individualism vs. Collectivism

Thanos’ collectivism expresses itself in a backwards view of the world which many viewers may not immediately catch on to. Despite the film’s scenes on the devastated and once-populated Titan (which attempt to make Thanos’ mission seem sympathetic and reasonable) there are literally zero cases where eliminating half of a population by genocide improves productivity and wellbeing for the other half.

Meditation is Selfish

We are surrounded by thousands of beliefs, ideas, and expectations which tell us that we exist for the sake of pleasing others, impressing others, placating others, pacifying others, satisfying others, and helping others. We must have a reminder that we exist for our own sakes – that we are ends in ourselves.